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Xi'an Service Outsourcing Site:

Columns: News, Investment Environment, Policy, Enterprise, Training, etc.

"News": Local News, China News, World News, Industry News to show the latest service outsourcing trend at home and abroad.

"Investment Environment": Including development advantages, investment costs, higher education, communication infrastructure, transporatation, etc. to show the ancient and modern side of Xi'an, an ideal place for global service outsourcing.

"Policy": Including national policy, local policy, park policy, other policy and service institution, to show different policies of Xi'an.

"Notice": To show the local service outsourcing notices including service outsourcing activities, special fund application, etc.

Led by Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Xi'an Municipal Government, Xi'an Service Outsourcing Site will publish notices and policies in time so as to provide best services for you!

You can Search “Xi’an Service Outsourcing” on Baidu, Google or Bing to find us easily!

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