Job Description Form 企业直招。 I BasicInformation Position | 高级应用运维开发工程师 Senior Application DevOps Engineer | Job Code/Version No. (HR USE ONLY) | | | | | 企业管理系统 Enterprise Management System | | | | | | | | | | |
II Job Purpose
- 以企业IT应用的高可用性和业务连续性为目标
Targeting HA and BCP of Enterprise IT Service
- 建立规范化运维体系并持续优化提高自动化程度和IT应用的可运维性
Establish a standardized O&M system and continue to optimize the automation level and IT applications operational ability
III Job Functions& Required Skills / KnowledgeSuggest putting 5 to 8 major job functions in point form. Job Function Particular KNOWLEDGE / SKILL required
保障系统7*24小时稳定运行。负责大型企业信息化系统的业务应用运维,并持续进行优化 Support system 7 * 24 stable operation. Responsible for large-scale enterprise information system business application operation and maintenance, and continue to optimize 具有大规模运行维护应用,优化等工作经验 Have a large-scale application of operation and maintenance, optimization and other work experience
参与技术方案和系统设计评审;把握复杂系统的设计,确保系统的架构质量和业务连续性要求 Participate in technical solutions and system design review; grasp the design of complex systems to ensure that the system architecture quality and BCP 熟悉Linux操作系统,计算机网络等,基础知识扎实 Familiar with the Linux operating system, computer network, solid basic knowledge
主导解决应用运维工作中重大故障、性能瓶颈等相关疑难问题; Leading to solve the application of operation and maintenance work in major failures, performance bottlenecks and other related problems; 有丰富的开发缺陷、系统性能问题解决 Have rich experience in resolving development defects, system performance problems
负责日常应用相关的运维事务,并能够持续优化和提升应用运维的自动化程度; Responsible for the daily application of the relevant operation and maintenance services, and can continue to optimize and enhance the operation and operation of the degree of automation; 能吃苦耐劳,能接受非工作时间工作,能接受节假日加班。 Working hard, can accept working in non-working hours, can accept holidays on duty.
负责运维团队管理和规划工作,建立规范化的运维体系,形成运维关键质量指标体系,优化各项工作流程,不断降低系统风险; Responsible for the operation and maintenance team management and planning work, the establishment of standardized operation and maintenance system, the formation of key operational quality index system, optimize the work process, and continuously reduce system risk; 有良好的时间观念,能很好的沟通交流,乐于分享 Have a good time concept, can be a good communication, willing to share IV JobRequirements | | 计算机硕士或者其他相关学位 Master Degree in Computing Studies or related discipline | Professional Qualification | 请尽可能提供 Please provide as possible | | Years required and industry exp. | 五年以上运维经验,至少三年以上的运维管理经验,有系统架构经验者优先 More than five year’s experience in operation and maintenance, at least three years of operation and maintenance management experience, system architecture experience is preferred | Specific experience required | 熟悉电信运营商常用主流基础设施、数据库、应用系统的架构及优化 Familiar with the architecture and optimization of mainstream infrastructure, database and application systems used by telecom operators 对网络安全体系有深入理解,有网络安全事件的紧急处置经验和能力 Depth understanding of the network security system, emergency experience and capacity for network security incidents 沟通协调和跨团队推动能力以及优秀的执行力,有丰富团队管理经验 Communication and coordination and cross-team promotion and excellent execution, rich team management experience | Skills & Personal Attributes | | 熟练掌握Linux,熟悉运维相关的指令 Proficiency in Linux, familiar with the operation and maintenance related instructions 熟悉至少一种运维工具,如:Nagios,Puppet, Zabbix, Cacti, SaltStack Familiar with at least one operation and maintenance tools, such as: Nagios, Puppet, Zabbix, Cacti, SaltStack 熟悉短信网关和Exchange网关协议,能开发监控工具和告警 Familiar with SMS gateway and Exchange gateway protocol, can develop monitoring tools and alarms 熟悉至少一种脚本语言:Shell,Python,Perl Familiar with at least one scripting language: Shell, Python, Perl 熟悉 Linux C,Windows 和内核技术 Familiar with Linux C, Windows and kernel 熟悉网络TCP/IP知识 Familiar with network TCP / IP knowledge 熟悉防火墙配置 Familiar with the firewall configuration 熟悉和了解服务器知识和查看服务器信息 Be familiar with and understand server knowledge and view server information | | 熟悉使用Visio等Office软件,掌握流程管理技能 Familiar with the use of Visio and other Office software, master the process management skills | | 1、安全意识强。运维人员的权限很大,一定保证帐号/私钥的安全。Strong sense of Security. Operation and maintenance personnel of the great authority, so be sure to ensure that the account / private key security.
2、责任心和主人翁意识Sense of responsibility and sense of ownership
遇到报警,第一时间处理,不等着他人去处理。如果无法处理,应该第一时间让同事协助帮忙,不禁止报警,让问题掩盖Encounter an alarm, the first time to deal with, and not wait for others to deal with. If you cannot handle it, you should help colleagues by the first time, and do not prohibit the alarm, so that the problem cover up
3、细心和按流程办事Carefully and according to the process
Any of your operations, may cause damage to the system, business problems.
4、推进/改善Advance / improve
If the code is a problem, resulting in a lot of overhead, such as load, io and so on. Should be the first time and the development department to confirm, require optimization code.
5、进取心/不断学习Enterprising / learning
Encounter problems, do a good job of analysis, after the initiative in the department to share the exchange.
| | | | 普通话必须要好 Good command in spoken and written Mandarin | | |
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