




入职国际外包服务咨询管理公司,10年以上IT经验,有ITIL/CMMI乙方咨询经验,要求英语流利,愿意出差,flyback1-2周一次, Base地点:北京(有办公室),上海, 大连等在家办公,有项目的时候需要在项目现场,不在项目的时候,可以在家办公。薪资35-45W。


招聘职位:IT服务治理高级咨询顾问 / 高级经理
1.      负责IT外包管理咨询项目
1)     负责为客户提供IT服务外包的战略规划与咨询服务,包括外包战略制定、外包成熟度评估、外包解决方案设计等
2)     负责管理与交付IT外包项目,包括标书撰写、服务供应商选择、SLA制定、合同谈判等
3)     负责管理 IT 外包项目的运维交接与服务治理
2.      负责IT 服务治理咨询项目:
1)     负责为客户提供IT治理的战略规划与咨询服务,包括战略评估、解决方案设计、咨询实施与项目交付等
2)     提供基于ITSM的运维评估与咨询服务,帮助客户进行ITSM成熟度分析和评估、建立IT服务管理体系、提供运维及流程改进方面的咨询服务、帮助客户制定现有管理体系的改进方案,并指导方案的实施
3)      分析客户对ITSM支撑系统及工具的需求,协助客户选择与部署所需的系统工具
3.      建立并完善IT 服务治理、信息安全及IT外包咨询业务的方法论、工具及知识体系,完善公司的IT咨询产品。

1)     10年以上IT工作经验,参与并负责过大型信息系统的建设或运维;
2)     至少3年以上IT服务管理、IT运维管理或信息安全管理的相关工作经验,熟悉制造业、金融业、电信等行业的IT运维特征;
3)      具备IT行业的服务外包经验,包括服务外包流程管理、服务供应商管理、质量管理、服务水平管理等相关经验;
4)     了解市场中基于ITIL的运维产品的特点,熟悉常用流程工具平台及其解决方案;
5)      能独立承担咨询项目管理及实施工作,有出色的沟通协调能力,包括需求调研、方案编写、技术交流等,能够快速理解客户的需求,并完成服务方案的制定;
6)     有ITIL 咨询、CMMI 咨询等相关IT管理咨询经验者优先
7)     良好的英文听说读写能力

Job Title: Senior Advisor / Principle Advisor –IT Service Management and Governance

Job Description:
1.      Responsiblefor delivering IT Outsourcing advisory services for ISG clients:
a.      ProvidingIT Souring Strategy Consulting, including designing IT Souring strategy, futureIT delivery model and strategic plans
b.     DeliveringIT Outsourcing Transaction project, including developing RFP documents,defining Service Levels, supporting RFP proposal evaluation and vendorselection, and contract negotiation for large outsourcing deals
c.      Assistingclients in IT Service transition and transformation, and building IT governancefunction for outsourced IT services
2.      Responsiblefor delivering IT Service Management and Governance services for ISG clients:
a.      ProvidingITSM strategy consulting, including strategy design and evaluation
b.     ConductingITSM operation assessment and maturity evaluation, assisting clients inbuilding ITSM function, providing professional advices in improving IToperation and process improvement, assisting client in implementing actionplans and driving improvements towards targets
c.      Analyzingprocess requirements and tool requirements, helping clients in selecting anddeploying ITSM system
3.      Responsiblefor building and improving ITSM and IT Outsourcing methodology and knowledgebase, identifying and delivering new services for ISG clients

1.      Minimum10 years experiences in IT Industry, and practical experiences in building oroperating large IT systems
2.      Minimum3 years experiences in IT Service Management, IT Operations Management (forInfrastructure or Applications), or IT SecurityManagement area, familiar with IT Operations in Manufacturing, Financial, orTelecom industry
3.      Experiencedin IT outsourcing , including IT outsourcing management, supplier management,quality management and service level management
4.      Experiencedin implementing ITIL processes, familiar with process tools/platform, and itsimplementation
5.      Beable to deliver consulting projects independently under pressure, includinggathering requirements, developing proposals, technical presentation, anddesign the solutions to meet customer’s expectation
6.      ITIL consulting, CMMI consulting orother relevant IT consulting experiences is preferred



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bj.301cn 发表于 2013-8-6 16:55:48
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浮云中 发表于 2013-8-7 09:52:04
有钱途:lol  以后的目标啊