

And the winner is ...  

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It's awards time, and the Pink Elephant 15th Annual International IT Management Conference & Exhibition played host to a raft of ITIL and ITSM awards. It wasn't the Oscars, but the winners should be very happy to have picked up their accolades.
The awards are presented annually to individuals and organizations demonstrating a significant commitment and dedication to ITIL and ITSM excellence:

ITIL Project of the Year went to joint winners Ohio State University and State Compensation Insurance Fund.
Innovation of the Year went to Service-now for the company's IT 3.0 product.
Debra Jenkins, branch chief Service Level Management at the U.S. Army took home ITIL Practitioner of the Year
Christopher Bolash from University of Michigan was crowned Student of the Year.

"On behalf of everyone at Pink Elephant, congratulations to all the winners!," said Pink Elephant's president, David Ratcliffe. "There are many success stories out there and we are very happy to profile and recognize individuals and organizations for their hard work and achievements."

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暗黑精灵 发表于 2014-4-1 20:01:48
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