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最近工作有点忙,所以第三篇有点完,而且还未完成,需要进一步研究,所以现在先贴出来我收集的资料,欢迎大家共同讨论并提意见,共同把工具篇完善。 国内ITIl工具厂商也也可以在此推荐自己的工具哦。
前面两篇文章中讨论了理论的内容,并分析了请求履行模块的范围、好处和关键步骤, 本篇中将着重整理现有国外大公司在网上公布基于本模块的宣传资料,收集整理肯定有所遗漏,期望大家一起讨论补充, 国内的厂家也可推荐自己的工具共同讨论。
BMC - Service Request Management
貌似并没有用最有名的remedy 品牌,而是单独宣传Service Request Management, 宣传资料如附件,关键内容节选如下:
BMC.pdf (617.63 KB, 下载次数: 436)

The service desk is often overloaded with repetitiveend-user requests that limit IT’s ability to focus on restoring criticalbusiness services and executing projects that deliver new value to thebusiness.  Many of these end-userrequests are for standard services, such as employee on-boar**, equipmentordering, and password resets. Additionally, the back-office fulfillment tasksfor these types of requests are often manual, thus limiting IT’s ability totrack approvals and determine the cost of services. This often slows requestfulfillment, impacts service delivery, and reduces the perceived value of ITfrom the business users’ perspective.
The BMCSolution
BMC Service Request Management allows IT and otherservice provider organizations (such as human resources and facilities) toeasily define available services, publish those services in a service catalog,and automate the request and fulfillment of those services for the end-usercommunity through a service request management portal. It also provides userswith access to knowledge base articles, which helps deflect calls to theservice desk.
» Empower end users to take more control over theirservice requests through a self-service interface
» Improve the efficiency of processing end-userservice requests  
» Ensure high-quality service delivery and customersatisfaction
» Ensure consistency in service delivery and reducedcosts through automation
» Support more effective demand and resourcemanagement
» Reduce help desk call volume with a mobileself-service portal available anywhere, anytime
BMC RM 1 .jpg
图2,BMC公司详细的描述了上了系统以后可以实现的具体目标, 如减少呼叫中心50%-70%的呼叫量,这是一个非常现实的并且诱人的好处。
BMC RM 2 .jpg

上一篇:【考题训练第二百三十八期】Which Functions are included in IT Operations...

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占座。。。 留作以后更新 IBM Tivoli Service Request
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