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●        在价值流的背景中计划并实现了更改。实践集成到价值流中,并确保更改有效,安全且及时,以满足利益相关者的期望。
●        实践并非旨在将组织中计划和执行的所有更改统一为一个整体:在数字化环境中,可能同时发生数百个更改,这既不可能也不是必需的。
●        对于定义的范围中的所有更改,实践应该集中精力平衡效果,吞吐量,合规性和风险控制。

2.2        术语和概念        



使用各种方法和方法来完成更改,每种方法和方法都代表不同级别的业务风险。软件更改通常是通过频繁且定期地对部署进行新功能和修改来进行的。这些更改可以通过持续集成/ 持续交付(CI / CD)交付,如DevOps和其他形式的实践中所述。

迭代/敏捷交付(有关CI / CD的更多信息,请参见ITIL专家:创建,交付和支持)。物理基础架构的变化可能较慢,需要分阶段的“瀑布式”方法。可以使用相关的项目管理技术和控件将这种类型的某些更改作为项目运行。

2.2.1        基于复杂性的变更方法



●        服务请求的实现
●        基础架构的维护
●        例行公事应急措施测试
●        例行公事软件更新。

About thisdocument
This document providespractical guidancefor the change enablement practice. It is split into five main sections, covering:
● general information about the practice
● the practice’s processes and activities and theirroles in the service value chain
● the organizations and people involved in the practice
● the information and technology supporting the practice
● considerationsfor partners and suppliers for the practice.

Selectedcontent of this document is examinable as a part of the following syllabus:
● ITIL Specialist:Create, deliver and support
● ITIL Specialist:High Velocity IT
Please refer tothe syllabus documents for details.

Generalinformation2.1  PURPOSE ANDDESCRIPTION                                                                     

Key message
  The purpose of the change enablement practice is to  maximize the number of successful service and product changes by ensuring  that risks have been properly assessed, authorizing changes to proceed, and  managing the change schedule.

The change enablement practice aims to ensure that changes toservices and their components are controlled and that they meet theorganization’s change-related needs. Authorized changes should enable thedesired outcomes and meet the organization’s requirements regarding changethroughput (the number of changes made and the speed of change realization) andrisk management. Flexibility and agility permeate this practice because theyare key aspects of a modern organization.
The changeenablement practice incorporates three premises:
● Changesare planned and realized in the context of value streams. The practice isintegrated into value streams and ensures that changes are effective, safe, andtimely in order to meet stakeholders’ expectations.
● The practicedoes not aim to unify all the changes planned and carried out in an organizationinto one big picture: in a digital environment, where hundreds of changes maybe happening simultaneously, this is neither possible nor required.
●Thepractice should focus onbalancing effectiveness, throughput, compliance, and riskcontrol for all changes in the definedscope.

2.2  TERMS AND CONCEPTS                                                                              

The addition, modification, or removal of  anything that could  have a direct or indirect effect on services.

The change enablement practice ensures that every change achievesthe intended outcomes. This aligns with the guiding principle ‘focus on value’.Stakeholders are more interested in the value that a change enables than in thetechnical details of the change. Changes that are implemented with technicalprecision, but which fail to enable the desired outcomes, fall short ofexpectations. Additionally, changes may have unintended outcomes, including negativeimpacts on users, service downtime, degradation, and destabilization. It isimportant to control these outcomes.
Changes are accomplished using various approaches and methodologies,each of which represents a different level of business risk. Changes insoftware are often made through frequent and regular deployment of new featuresand modifications. These changes can be delivered through  continuousintegration/continuous delivery (CI/CD),as practised in DevOps and other forms of iterative/Agile delivery (for more information on CI/CD, see ITILSpecialist: Create, Deliver and Support). Changes in physical infrastructuremay be slower, requiring a staged, ‘waterfall’ approach. Some changes of thistype may be run as projects, using relevant project management techniques andcontrols.
In practice, however, feworganizations are fully at one extreme or the other. Organizations havemultiple value streams, most of which include changes. The change enablementpractice must be adaptive to meet the needs of various approaches to changedevelopment.

2.2.1   Complexity-basedapproach to changes
The change enablement practice should ensure a balance betweenchange effectiveness, change throughput, and risk control. This means that the approachesto change planning authorization and ongoing control need to be selectedcarefully.
Changes are possible in all business situations, from business asusual to catastrophic (see Figure 2.1). Organizations should be able to makechanges in any situation on this spectrum.

Figure 2.1 Changes are needed in all businesssituations
Business-as-usual situations are relatively predictable, with lowlevels of uncertainty. Catastrophic situations have the highest levels ofuncertainty. Changes in any type of situation, however, have varying levels ofcomplexity and predictability.
Changes can be standardizedand automated where uncertainty is low, which helps to decrease the costs andaccelerate the changes. Check-lists, templates, and standardized ways ofworking can be used in these situations. This is reflected in the definition ofa standard change.

Standard  change

A low-risk, pre-authorized changethat is well understood and fully  documented, and which can  be implemented without needing additional authorization.

Examples ofstandard changes include:
● fulfilment of aservice request
● maintenance of infrastructure
● routine testingof contingency measures

● routine software updates.


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上一篇:Practice_Deployment management 部署管理实践ITIL 4中文版【初译】
下一篇:Practice_Infrastructure and platform management基础架构和平台管理实践

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Roger.Luo 发表于 2021-3-2 16:55:03
myloveral 发表于 2021-8-11 14:31:40
●        服务请求的实现
●        基础架构的维护
●        例行公事应急措施测试
●        例行公事软件更新。
W尢Z乄厶Z丩i 发表于 2022-2-27 17:17:07

Practice_Change enablement 变更使能实践中文版【初译】