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20150924  淡然

5    附录  ITSM流程详细评估问题5.1  配置管理评估问题
Level 1: 基础                       ITSS考核
1. Are at least some configuration management activities established within the organisation, e.g. registering Configuration Items (CIs)?
2. Have you identified some of the CI attributes, e.g. location, current status, service component relationships?
3. Is there existing configuration data held in hard copy, local spreadsheets or databases?
4. Is there a high level configuration management plan?

Level 1.5: 管理目的
5. Has the purpose and benefits of configuration management been disseminated within the organisation?
6. Has the scope of configuration management activity been established within the organisation?
7. Is there a suitable budget for configuration management tools and a  commitment to  resource configuration management activities?
8. Does the organisation have procedures covering the registration of CIs?

Level 2: 流程
9. Have responsibilities for various configuration management activities been assigned?                       ITSS培训
10. Have configuration item naming conventions been agreed?
11. Are there procedures for identifying, controlling, updating, auditing and analysing configuration item information?
12. Is configuration data routinely used in performing impact assessments?
13. Are CIs  recognised in terms of service component relationships?
14. Is configuration data  used routinely when building or releasing new CIs?
15. Are there procedures covering housekeeping, licence management, archiving and retention periods for CIs?
16. For planned releases, is the configuration baseline determined in advance?
17. Are the configuration management activities reviewed on a regular basis?
18. Are configuration audits performed on a regular basis?

Level 2.5: 和其他流程间的关系
19. Have measure been taken to avoid duplication and anomalies with CI records?
20. Is configuration data used routinely for capacity planning purposes, e.g. to ascertain the actual growth of CI's within the organisation?
21. Is there interface control between configuration management and third parties?
22. Are there links and interfaces between configuration management and other Service Management systems?
23. Do service support and service delivery personnel regularly retrieve configuration data to facilitate their activities?

Level 3: 工具
24. Are standard reports concerning CI information produced regularly?
25. Is there a configuration management database?
26. Are there controlled environments available within which CI's are manipulated?
27. Are build and release schedules produced on the basis of the CI records?

Level 3.5: 质量控制
28. Are the standards and other quality criteria applicable for the registration of CIs made explicit and applied?
29. Are the personnel responsible for configuration management activities suitably trained?
30. Does the organisation set and review either targets or objectives for Configuration Management?
31. Does the organisation use any tools to support the configuration management process?                   ITSS认证

Level 4: 管理报告
32. Do you provide management with information concerning configuration items affected by major changes?
33. Do you provide management with information concerning information on the achievement of targets and objectives set for Configuration Management?
34. Do you provide management with information concerning database and record growth usage?
35. Do you provide management with information concerning exceptional problems regarding specific CIs / types of CI?
36. Do you provide management with information concerning non-conformance to standards?

Level 4.5: 和其他管理流程的关系
37. Do you hold regular meetings with interested parties in which Configuration Management matters are discussed?
38. Do you receive notification from, or provide information to Change management relating to every CI to be changed or introduced?
39. Is information exchanged with Release Management in order to keep the Definitive Software Library (DSL) consistent with the CMDB?
40. Is configuration information made available to the Service Desk regarding new CIs?
41. Does Configuration Management exchange information with Problem Management concerning details of CIs relating to problems, suppliers, customers and changes?
42. Does Configuration Management exchange information with Financial Management for IT Services regarding new cost and charging codes and other attributes?
43. Is configuration information made available to IT Service Continuity Management regarding CIs and backup details, and other security and contingency matters?
44. Is configuration information made available to Capacity Management concerning growth estimates based on the CMDB?

Level 5: 客户界面
45. Do you check with the customer that the activities performed by Configuration Management adequately support their business needs?
46. Do you check with the customer that they are happy with the services provided?
47. Are you actively monitoring trends in customer satisfaction?
48. Are you feeding customer survey information into the service improvement agenda?
49. Are you monitoring the customers value perception of the services provided to them?



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