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本帖最后由 monicazhang 于 2015-9-24 16:31 编辑

20150831 淡然

5.2  服务台管理评估问题
Level 1 - 基础

1. Does a Service Desk exist which manages, co-ordinates and resolves incidents reported by customers?

2. Is the Service Desk the recognised point of contact for all customer/user queries?                  ITSS培训

3. Does the Service Desk provide information to customers regarding planned changes?

Level 1.5 - 管理目的

4. Is the business need for a Service Desk clearly identified and understood?

5. Is there sufficient management commitment, budget provision and resource available for the effective operation of the Service Desk?

6. Is the Service Desk perceived as a strategic function by Senior Managers?

7. Has the purpose and benefits of the Service Desk been disseminated within the organisation?

8. Has an education and/or training programme been conducted for customers and users in the use of the Service Desk and its benefits

Level 2 - 流程的功能

9. Have the functions of the Service Desk been agreed?

10. Do Service Desk operators have a procedure or strategy for obtaining the required information from customers whilst call handling?

11. Does the Service Desk provide the customer/user with information on service availability, an incident number or reference for use in follow-up communications, and progress updates on any request being managed by the service team?

12. Does the Service Desk make an initial assessment of all requests received, attempting to resolve appropriate requests or referring them to someone who can, based on agreed service levels?

13. Does the Service Desk communicate planned and short-term changes of service levels to customers?

14. Does the Service Desk provide a status update to the customer on the closure of incidents?

15. Does the Service Desk provide management information and make recommendations for service improvement?

16. Has a study of the workload mix been conducted to determine the required staff levels, skill type and the associated costs of the Service Desk?

17. Are customer satisfaction surveys carried out by the Service Desk?

18. Is the Service Desk notified of new  services or changes to existing services?

Level 2.5 - 内部支持

19. Does the Service Desk provide a single point of contact for all customer queries?                   ITSS认证

20. Does the Service Desk have access to a library of all product, hardware and software documentation and reference material used by customer / users?

21. Are major incidents/problems/changes from the previous week reviewed with customers?

22. Does a customer list exist and is it used to monitor customer satisfaction levels?

23. Are second-line support staff involved in the Service Desk, either on a full time or a rotational basis?

Level 3 -工具

24. Is a single source of customer / user and supplier details maintained?

25. Are standard pro-forma's available for capturing customer / user details and identification?

26. Are the services offered  by the Service Desk clearly defined for customers and other parties?

27. Are reports regularly produced for all the teams contributing to the service provision process, concerning types of customer contacts?  

28. Is a workload analysis produced to help determine staffing levels?

29. Are weekly management reviews held to highlight service availability, customer satisfaction and major incident areas?

30. Do management review Service Desk’s recommendations for service improvements?

Level 3.5 - 质量控制

31. Are the standards and other quality criteria applicable for the registration of incidents and for call handling made clear to Service Desk operators?

32. Are Service Level Agreements available and understood by Service Desk operators

33. Are the personnel responsible for Service Desk activities suitably trained?

34. Does the organisation set and review either targets or objectives for the Service Desk?

35. Are there suitable tools in use to support the Service Desk function?

Level 4 - 管理报告

36. Do you provide management with information concerning customer satisfaction with services?

37. Do you provide management with information concerning operational performance of the Service Desk?

38. Do you provide management with information concerning customer awareness/ training needs?

39. Do you provide management with information concerning trend analysis in incident occurrence and resolution?

Level 4.5 - 外部沟通

40. Do you hold regular meetings with interested parties in which Service Desk matters are discussed?

41. Does the Service Desk control the Incident Management  function and have the interfaces between the Service Desk and Incident management been defined and communicated?

42. Does the Service Desk receive information from Change Management regarding impending changes to services?

43. Does the Service Desk exchange information with Service Level Management concerning breaches in service level agreements and the service and support commitments they contain?

Level 5 - 客户界面

44. Do you check with the customer if the activities performed by the Service Desk adequately support their business needs?

45. Do you check with the customer that they are happy with the services provided?                       ITSS考试

46. Are you actively monitoring trends in customer satisfaction?

47. Are you feeding customer survey information into the service improvement agenda?

48. Are you monitoring the customer's value perception of the services provided to them?



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