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建立CMDB 数据模型的参考.
BMC的CMDB数据模型应该是基于CIM-Common Information Model (CIM) 的,(基本上各个大公司的CMDB数据模型都是基于CIM的).
公共信息模型CIM,是一个与具体实现无关的、用于描述管理信息的概念性模型。CIM分为两部分:CIM 规范(CIM Specification)和CIM 模式(CIM Schema)。CIM 规范提供了模型的正式定义,它描述了语言、命名、元模式和到其他管理模型(如SNMP MIB)的映射技术;CIM 模式则给出了实际模型的描述。CIM 模型由核心模型、公共模型和扩展模型三层构成。核心模型是一系列类、连接和属性的集合,该对象组提供了所有管理域通用的基本信息模型;公共模型提供特定管理域的通用信息模型,这些特定的管理域,如系统、应用程序、网络和设备等;扩展模型代表通用模型的特定技术扩展。
通过CIM 建模,能够得到管理域中实体的抽象和表示,包括它们的属性、操作和关系。这样的模型独立于任何具体的数据库、应用、协议以及平台。因此,CIM 模型要求不同开发商所提供的基于不同平台的应用都采用一种标准的格式来描述管理数据,以使数据能够在多种应用间共享。CIM 采用面向对象的方式构建了一种新的适用于管理系统、网络的结构和概念模型。CIM 建模是一种通用方法。特定管理域的CIM 建模是在核心模型和公共模型的基础上进行扩展。
总的来说公共信息模型(CIM)是一个标准,定义了一个前后一致的模型,依据这个模型,网络设备、系统和应用程序能显示有关它们自己的信息,并使这些信息能被管理工具利用CIM能描述诸如桌面软件和硬件配置、CPU 封装块的序列号以及某个特殊路由器端口上的流量水平等信息。
也许CIM有别于以前标准的最重要之处是其表示组成计算机系统或公司网络的不同单元和部件之间关系的能力。DIF主席、Novell的公司设计师Winston Bumpus 称,利用CIM“你能看到这台计算机是否与这个应用 程序连在一起,它是在运行从这台服务器上送出的服务。”他还说,通过跟踪路径和检查一路上每个部件的状态,管理工具就能“ 回答我为什么不能送出电子邮件这样的问题了。”
CIM是DMTF - Distributed Management Task Force, Inc.的一个标准.很多计算机的标准都是从这里来的.例如AIX里面组织设备的标准和微软在Windows操作系统里面察看和管理硬件信息的方法都是基于CIM的.
Common Information Model (CIM) StandardsCIM provides a common definition of management information for systems, networks, applications and services, and allows for vendor extensions. CIM's common definitions enable vendors to exchange semantically rich management information between systems throughout the network.
CIM is composed of a Specification and a Schema. The Schema provides the actual model descriptions, while the Specification defines the details for integration with other management models.
CIM 2.22.0 simultaneously releases to the public both an "Experimental" and a "Final" version of the schema. This provides DMTF members and end users with early access to experimental parts of the models. In addition, new versions of CIM are now released more frequently on a regularly scheduled basis allowing users greater access and the ability to plan accordingly.
As part of CIM 2.22.0, a number of enhancements and additions are introduced throughout the Schema, including ongoing improvements to support product and alliance partners and to support DMTF Profiles and Management Initiatives. Examples include updates to BIOS, printers, standard messages, operating system state, modern power management paradigms, virtualization and security. In addition, it should be noted that this latest CIM Schema is built automatically for the DMTF. All of the change requests for the CIM 2.22.0 were applied programmatically, instead of by hand.
Please keep in mind that Experimental elements may change in a backward incompatible way. Contributions to the CIM schema have been made possible through the DMTF Alliance Partnerships with the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) and the Open Grid Forum (OGF).
The DMTF welcomes feedback on our standards, but requires that individuals submitting comments first agree to our

DMTF Feedback Policy

BMC Data Model All.pdf (2.25 MB)
BMC CMDB CDM 210.pdf (1.23 MB)
BMC_Common Data Model Help - html.zip (319.56 KB)

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