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huangjie528 发表于 2013-6-4 08:56:43
iTop 2.0.1正式发布,这基本上是一个bug修复版本,也提供了3个新增功能,具体版本更新描述如下文。
[b]新的 REST/JSON API接口[/b]这个新的API接口能让其它第三方程序通过REST Web服务接口,来查询、修改和删除iTop系统里的数据。关于这个API接口的文档已经在iTop的Wiki站点上有了([  /wiki][color=#337ca9]wiki[/color][/url])
[b]新的“Poser User”角色[/b]这个角色是“Portal User”用户的一个增强,它给一个用户通过web门户来访问他所属组织所有票单的权限。

[size=3]Bug fixes from Trac:[/size]
[size=3]#732 Change password: exit after building the page in case of wrong “old” password[/size]
[size=3]#729 Backup fails on Windows IIS[/size]
[size=3]#728 The ticket’s title is now an (external) attribute of the link between a ticket and a CI.[/size]
[size=3]#727 Prevent a crash in cron.php[/size]
[size=3]#726 Missing string in german dictionary[/size]
[size=3]#725 Specify a port for mySQL server[/size]
[size=3]#722 Document preview disappeared since 2.0 (not in 1.x)[/size]
[size=3]#723 Cron locking is too restrictive[/size]
[size=3]#721 Unmet dependencies not detected[/size]
[size=3]#717 Prevent flicker of unstyled content: make the pane visible only when their content is ready… + watchdog in case of error.[/size]
[size=3]#715 Group by day -> month+day, group by month -> year+month, months are shown as a localized label[/size]
[size=3]#713 URL format reviewed:[/size]
[size=3]- more formats allowed by default[/size]
[size=3]- aligned between the wiki formatting and the URL attribute[/size]
[size=3]- configurable globally with ‘url_validation_pattern’[/size]
[size=3]- can be defined at the attribute level with tag validation_pattern[/size]
[size=3]#711 Audit error drill-down not working when zero error (requires to bookmark the link when there are some errors, then use it later when there is no error anymore)[/size]
[size=3]#710 Query phrase book “fields list” is too small[/size]
[size=3]#708 Cosmetics for the english dictionary[/size]
[size=3]#707 Make sure that DOCTYPE is the first statement of the page[/size]
[size=3]#705 Typo in the english dictionary[/size]
[size=3]#704 Preserve the content of a “linkedset” when changing the initial state of the object being created ![/size]
[size=3]#703 HTML entities not escaped in history tab[/size]
[size=3]#702 Ignoring the class when looking up for a polymorphic ext key[/size]
[size=3]#701 Portal customization : enabled the calendar widget for input of a date+time type of attribute (it was only available for pure DATE attributes)[/size]
[size=3]#693 Portal user cannot choose services linked via customer contract[/size]
[size=3]#699 Change the path for incident icon[/size]
[size=3]#698 SeparatorPopupMenuItem was not working.[/size]
[size=3]#697 Properly export NULL dates in “spreadsheet” format.[/size]
[size=3]#696 The message “Please fill all mandatory fields” can now be localized (done in English, French and German).[/size]
[size=3]#694 A module can now add a menu under a menu from another module[/size]
[size=3]#692 Allow to set a default value for AttributeDuration (was forced to 0 anytime)[/size]
[size=3]#691 Notifications were not sent at all if some recicipients had an empty address[/size]
[size=3]#690 XML export broken[/size]
[size=3]#689 Logoff / Change Pwd buttons not visible in the portal if the window is too small: now allow line wrapping…[/size]
[size=3]#688 When the autocomplete is activated, and the allowed values depend on another value, then it is possible to set a wrong value[/size]
[size=3]#687 Label for attribute Person: “name” was always shown in English (Last Name)[/size]
[size=3]#684 CSV import / reconciliation using an enum does not take the translation into account[/size]
[size=3]#683 Allow installation on a DB which names begins with numbers[/size]
[size=3]#682 Order notifications (last first).[/size]
[size=3]#680 Setup failing to display the check report when DOM extension not enabled (php-xml not installed on redhat distributions)[/size]
[size=3]#679 Improved the reporting in case of an error while loading a module: 1) the list of already loaded modules is given, 2) the full path of the searched node is given[/size]
[size=3]#677 Cosmetics in the german localization (and a few other languages): first header of the config mgmt overview[/size]
[size=3]#675 Error when drilling down on graph/pie/table with group by on a field that can be null (this case has been excluded)[/size]
[size=3]#674 request_type:servicerequest changed into service_request – added the DB update to allow an upgrade[/size]
[size=3]#674 Fix bug  TTO / TTR computation for Service request[/size]
[size=3]#673 Could not create a physical interface with default value for the speed (+ definitive corruption of the DB for the device on which the interface is being created!)[/size]
[size=3]#670 Fix for an XSS vulnerability issue.[/size]
[size=3]#666 Add reconciliation key for Software[/size]
[size=3]#664 Could not login after upgrade of an iTop 1.x with a DB prefix[/size]
[size=3]#663 Fix for emptying a directory which contains broken symbolic links[/size]
[size=3]#661 and #662 Could not create a user request (or ?) as soon as the autocomplete feature gets active[/size]
[size=3]#660 Warning raised with ZendServer (with APC cache enabled) causing the setup to fail[/size]
[size=3]#659 Exception handling producing notices, hence causing confusion[/size]
[size=3]#657 JavaScript error when modifying UserLDAP object with Sync[/size]
[size=3]#638 Limit rack according to location for PDU[/size]
[size=3]#634 Detection of HTTPS not working with nginx (iTop always considering the current connection as being secure)[/size]
[size=3]#626 Fixed missing translation in dictionaries (Tickets: “relations”, and Contacts overview / count)[/size]
[size=3]#383 support negative numbers in OQL[/size]
[size=3]also added support for MySQL bitwise operators (&, |, ^, <<, >>) and hexadecimal numbers (up to 64-bit).[/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3]Setup/installation fixes[/size]
[size=3]Compiler: typo preventing from setting the property ‘min_autocomplete_chars’ on an external key[/size]
[size=3]Better error reporting when loading a module fails.[/size]
[size=3]Sort the modules before processing them for dependencies, in order to obtain a predictable result independent from the order of the modules in the file system… hopefully… (should fix Trac#679)[/size]
[size=3]Data model alternate options were not properly checked when upgrading (especially when selecting ITIL tickets)[/size]
[size=3]Enable support of databases which name either is a reserved word or contains non-alphanumeric characters (i.e. itop-production).[/size]
[size=3]Added support for creating symbolic links via the toolkit[/size]
[size=3]Added more debug info in the setup.log about the detection of the previously installed modules[/size]
[size=3]Enhancement: the expression of dependencies between modules can now use a complex boolean expression with a combination of “logical or” (||) and “logical and” (&&) instead of just a module name.[/size]
[size=3]New internal flag for generating the delta: needed => define if not exists[/size]
[size=3]Compiler: added the capability to redefine icons in xml[/size]
[size=3]New way to compile the dictionaries, allowing for incremental modification via XML, also allows the filtering of the languages to install[/size]
[size=3]Proper reset of APC cache upon compilation ![/size]
[size=3]Experimental support of icon uploads…[/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3]Data model fixes[/size]
[size=3]Correction to display IP address field for:[/size]
[size=3]Physical Device[/size]
[size=3]Network Device[/size]
[size=3]Storage System[/size]
[size=3]Tape Library[/size]
[size=3]SAN switch[/size]
[size=3]Fix an issue that prevented the creation of Logical Interfaces[/size]
[size=3]Add reconciliation keys for SLT in order to allow import for SLT having the same name[/size]
[size=3]Remove wrong dependency to service_id on parent_request_id (for ITIL tickets)[/size]
[size=3]Fixed typos in the sample data for the service subcategories[/size]
[size=3]Make icons transparent…[/size]
[size=3]All the overloads of DisplayBareProperties must return an array (otherwise a warning is issued and field validation will not work as expected)[/size]
[size=3]The ticket class must be abstract![/size]
[size=3]Add “Employee number” to the list of possible reconciliation keys for the class Person.[/size]
[size=3]Missing localized label for some problem management menus, when the Known Error Management module is installed without the Problem Management module[/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3]Miscellaneous fixes[/size]
[size=3]Preserve POSted parameters on the login web page (useful when the session expires)[/size]
[size=3]More readable edition for AttributeDuration[/size]
[size=3]Properly record history of Hierarchical Keys[/size]
[size=3]Fix for supporting the CSV export of big audit results.[/size]
[size=3]Fix for making iUIPageExtension usable ![/size]
[size=3]Fixed transparent background issues on the icons at the top-right of the main iTop page…[/size]
[size=3]Allow printing lists fully expanded without the “pager” navigation. Also try to completely hide the main menu on the left when printing.[/size]
[size=3]Properly serialize Emails with binary Attachments. Previously asynchronous emails with binary attachements were not working (they were queued but never sent).[/size]
[size=3]Fix for the “Notifications” tab: use the polymorphism to let each trigger determine which object is “In Scope” and thus can potentially have notifications related to it[/size]
[size=3]User rights:[/size]
[size=3]- for link classes, if no grant has been given explicitely, then check if one of the remote class has a grant (mix of compile-time and run-time changes)[/size]
[size=3]- fixed an issue: when looking for a grant into the hierarchy, the most explicit declaration (aka the deepest class) must be found first -> reorder the parent classes (new flag on MetaModel::EnumParentClasses[/size]
[size=3]Prevent logoff problems depending on PHP’s session.cache_limiter setting…[/size]
[size=3]- Enhancement: support for “target” in PopupMenuItems.. which was ignored before[/size]
[size=3]Fix for reconciliation by id (Advanced Mode) -reintegrated from branch 2.0[/size]
[size=3]Silently discard unknown attributes in object templates (in case some modules have not been installed)[/size]
[size=3]Fix the auto-resize (fit) of the dialog’s content when picking up a value using the magnifier button on an external key.[/size]
[size=3]Cleanup of the log output. No need for such verbosity now that we are approaching the release.

[size=3][color=black]#259    Not instantaneously logged off when the administrator deletes a user account[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#273    The administrator can delete his/her own user account[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#372    APC Cache not efficient (multi org usage, global search)[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#382    Search form / base class lost after a search[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#377    Case log: exclude the index from the views[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#388    IE9: edition fields not resizable[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#443    Objects remain in the database after de-installing some modules[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#442    Useless profiles installed (1.x legacy data model only)[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#438    The selection of Organizations using the hierarchy does not work on IE8 in security mode[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#436    Cannot type “All Organizations”[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#381    Deletion of dependencies could fail in a multi-org environment[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#241    “status” is a free-text field when configuring a Trigger[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#358    Multi-column queries sometimes returning an empty set[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#383    OQL: negative integers not allowed (workaround: 0 – 1)[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#399    Copy/paste from iTop’s CaseLog looses tabs[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#343    CKEditor (HTML Editor) not compatible with direct object creation on ExtKeys[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#350    Object edition form: validation does not tell which field has a problem[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#317    Edition of a Document – opens the second tab[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#730    Leaving temporary files when performing a backup of the data during installation[/color][/size]
dale 该用户已被删除
dale 发表于 2013-6-4 21:04:02
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
千里 发表于 2014-1-15 17:58:22
iTop 2.0.1正式发布,这基本上是一个bug修复版本,也提供了3个新增功能,具体版本更新描述如下文。
[b]新的 REST/JSON API接口[/b]这个新的API接口能让其它第三方程序通过REST Web服务接口,来查询、修改和删除iTop系统里的数据。关于这个API接口的文档已经在iTop的Wiki站点上有了([  /wiki][color=#337ca9]wiki[/color][/url])
[b]新的“Poser User”角色[/b]这个角色是“Portal User”用户的一个增强,它给一个用户通过web门户来访问他所属组织所有票单的权限。

[size=3]Bug fixes from Trac:[/size]
[size=3]#732 Change password: exit after building the page in case of wrong “old” password[/size]
[size=3]#729 Backup fails on Windows IIS[/size]
[size=3]#728 The ticket’s title is now an (external) attribute of the link between a ticket and a CI.[/size]
[size=3]#727 Prevent a crash in cron.php[/size]
[size=3]#726 Missing string in german dictionary[/size]
[size=3]#725 Specify a port for mySQL server[/size]
[size=3]#722 Document preview disappeared since 2.0 (not in 1.x)[/size]
[size=3]#723 Cron locking is too restrictive[/size]
[size=3]#721 Unmet dependencies not detected[/size]
[size=3]#717 Prevent flicker of unstyled content: make the pane visible only when their content is ready… + watchdog in case of error.[/size]
[size=3]#715 Group by day -> month+day, group by month -> year+month, months are shown as a localized label[/size]
[size=3]#713 URL format reviewed:[/size]
[size=3]- more formats allowed by default[/size]
[size=3]- aligned between the wiki formatting and the URL attribute[/size]
[size=3]- configurable globally with ‘url_validation_pattern’[/size]
[size=3]- can be defined at the attribute level with tag validation_pattern[/size]
[size=3]#711 Audit error drill-down not working when zero error (requires to bookmark the link when there are some errors, then use it later when there is no error anymore)[/size]
[size=3]#710 Query phrase book “fields list” is too small[/size]
[size=3]#708 Cosmetics for the english dictionary[/size]
[size=3]#707 Make sure that DOCTYPE is the first statement of the page[/size]
[size=3]#705 Typo in the english dictionary[/size]
[size=3]#704 Preserve the content of a “linkedset” when changing the initial state of the object being created ![/size]
[size=3]#703 HTML entities not escaped in history tab[/size]
[size=3]#702 Ignoring the class when looking up for a polymorphic ext key[/size]
[size=3]#701 Portal customization : enabled the calendar widget for input of a date+time type of attribute (it was only available for pure DATE attributes)[/size]
[size=3]#693 Portal user cannot choose services linked via customer contract[/size]
[size=3]#699 Change the path for incident icon[/size]
[size=3]#698 SeparatorPopupMenuItem was not working.[/size]
[size=3]#697 Properly export NULL dates in “spreadsheet” format.[/size]
[size=3]#696 The message “Please fill all mandatory fields” can now be localized (done in English, French and German).[/size]
[size=3]#694 A module can now add a menu under a menu from another module[/size]
[size=3]#692 Allow to set a default value for AttributeDuration (was forced to 0 anytime)[/size]
[size=3]#691 Notifications were not sent at all if some recicipients had an empty address[/size]
[size=3]#690 XML export broken[/size]
[size=3]#689 Logoff / Change Pwd buttons not visible in the portal if the window is too small: now allow line wrapping…[/size]
[size=3]#688 When the autocomplete is activated, and the allowed values depend on another value, then it is possible to set a wrong value[/size]
[size=3]#687 Label for attribute Person: “name” was always shown in English (Last Name)[/size]
[size=3]#684 CSV import / reconciliation using an enum does not take the translation into account[/size]
[size=3]#683 Allow installation on a DB which names begins with numbers[/size]
[size=3]#682 Order notifications (last first).[/size]
[size=3]#680 Setup failing to display the check report when DOM extension not enabled (php-xml not installed on redhat distributions)[/size]
[size=3]#679 Improved the reporting in case of an error while loading a module: 1) the list of already loaded modules is given, 2) the full path of the searched node is given[/size]
[size=3]#677 Cosmetics in the german localization (and a few other languages): first header of the config mgmt overview[/size]
[size=3]#675 Error when drilling down on graph/pie/table with group by on a field that can be null (this case has been excluded)[/size]
[size=3]#674 request_type:servicerequest changed into service_request – added the DB update to allow an upgrade[/size]
[size=3]#674 Fix bug  TTO / TTR computation for Service request[/size]
[size=3]#673 Could not create a physical interface with default value for the speed (+ definitive corruption of the DB for the device on which the interface is being created!)[/size]
[size=3]#670 Fix for an XSS vulnerability issue.[/size]
[size=3]#666 Add reconciliation key for Software[/size]
[size=3]#664 Could not login after upgrade of an iTop 1.x with a DB prefix[/size]
[size=3]#663 Fix for emptying a directory which contains broken symbolic links[/size]
[size=3]#661 and #662 Could not create a user request (or ?) as soon as the autocomplete feature gets active[/size]
[size=3]#660 Warning raised with ZendServer (with APC cache enabled) causing the setup to fail[/size]
[size=3]#659 Exception handling producing notices, hence causing confusion[/size]
[size=3]#657 JavaScript error when modifying UserLDAP object with Sync[/size]
[size=3]#638 Limit rack according to location for PDU[/size]
[size=3]#634 Detection of HTTPS not working with nginx (iTop always considering the current connection as being secure)[/size]
[size=3]#626 Fixed missing translation in dictionaries (Tickets: “relations”, and Contacts overview / count)[/size]
[size=3]#383 support negative numbers in OQL[/size]
[size=3]also added support for MySQL bitwise operators (&, |, ^, <<, >>) and hexadecimal numbers (up to 64-bit).[/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3]Setup/installation fixes[/size]
[size=3]Compiler: typo preventing from setting the property ‘min_autocomplete_chars’ on an external key[/size]
[size=3]Better error reporting when loading a module fails.[/size]
[size=3]Sort the modules before processing them for dependencies, in order to obtain a predictable result independent from the order of the modules in the file system… hopefully… (should fix Trac#679)[/size]
[size=3]Data model alternate options were not properly checked when upgrading (especially when selecting ITIL tickets)[/size]
[size=3]Enable support of databases which name either is a reserved word or contains non-alphanumeric characters (i.e. itop-production).[/size]
[size=3]Added support for creating symbolic links via the toolkit[/size]
[size=3]Added more debug info in the setup.log about the detection of the previously installed modules[/size]
[size=3]Enhancement: the expression of dependencies between modules can now use a complex boolean expression with a combination of “logical or” (||) and “logical and” (&&) instead of just a module name.[/size]
[size=3]New internal flag for generating the delta: needed => define if not exists[/size]
[size=3]Compiler: added the capability to redefine icons in xml[/size]
[size=3]New way to compile the dictionaries, allowing for incremental modification via XML, also allows the filtering of the languages to install[/size]
[size=3]Proper reset of APC cache upon compilation ![/size]
[size=3]Experimental support of icon uploads…[/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3]Data model fixes[/size]
[size=3]Correction to display IP address field for:[/size]
[size=3]Physical Device[/size]
[size=3]Network Device[/size]
[size=3]Storage System[/size]
[size=3]Tape Library[/size]
[size=3]SAN switch[/size]
[size=3]Fix an issue that prevented the creation of Logical Interfaces[/size]
[size=3]Add reconciliation keys for SLT in order to allow import for SLT having the same name[/size]
[size=3]Remove wrong dependency to service_id on parent_request_id (for ITIL tickets)[/size]
[size=3]Fixed typos in the sample data for the service subcategories[/size]
[size=3]Make icons transparent…[/size]
[size=3]All the overloads of DisplayBareProperties must return an array (otherwise a warning is issued and field validation will not work as expected)[/size]
[size=3]The ticket class must be abstract![/size]
[size=3]Add “Employee number” to the list of possible reconciliation keys for the class Person.[/size]
[size=3]Missing localized label for some problem management menus, when the Known Error Management module is installed without the Problem Management module[/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3] [/size]
[size=3]Miscellaneous fixes[/size]
[size=3]Preserve POSted parameters on the login web page (useful when the session expires)[/size]
[size=3]More readable edition for AttributeDuration[/size]
[size=3]Properly record history of Hierarchical Keys[/size]
[size=3]Fix for supporting the CSV export of big audit results.[/size]
[size=3]Fix for making iUIPageExtension usable ![/size]
[size=3]Fixed transparent background issues on the icons at the top-right of the main iTop page…[/size]
[size=3]Allow printing lists fully expanded without the “pager” navigation. Also try to completely hide the main menu on the left when printing.[/size]
[size=3]Properly serialize Emails with binary Attachments. Previously asynchronous emails with binary attachements were not working (they were queued but never sent).[/size]
[size=3]Fix for the “Notifications” tab: use the polymorphism to let each trigger determine which object is “In Scope” and thus can potentially have notifications related to it[/size]
[size=3]User rights:[/size]
[size=3]- for link classes, if no grant has been given explicitely, then check if one of the remote class has a grant (mix of compile-time and run-time changes)[/size]
[size=3]- fixed an issue: when looking for a grant into the hierarchy, the most explicit declaration (aka the deepest class) must be found first -> reorder the parent classes (new flag on MetaModel::EnumParentClasses[/size]
[size=3]Prevent logoff problems depending on PHP’s session.cache_limiter setting…[/size]
[size=3]- Enhancement: support for “target” in PopupMenuItems.. which was ignored before[/size]
[size=3]Fix for reconciliation by id (Advanced Mode) -reintegrated from branch 2.0[/size]
[size=3]Silently discard unknown attributes in object templates (in case some modules have not been installed)[/size]
[size=3]Fix the auto-resize (fit) of the dialog’s content when picking up a value using the magnifier button on an external key.[/size]
[size=3]Cleanup of the log output. No need for such verbosity now that we are approaching the release.

[size=3][color=black]#259    Not instantaneously logged off when the administrator deletes a user account[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#273    The administrator can delete his/her own user account[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#372    APC Cache not efficient (multi org usage, global search)[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#382    Search form / base class lost after a search[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#377    Case log: exclude the index from the views[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#388    IE9: edition fields not resizable[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#443    Objects remain in the database after de-installing some modules[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#442    Useless profiles installed (1.x legacy data model only)[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#438    The selection of Organizations using the hierarchy does not work on IE8 in security mode[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#436    Cannot type “All Organizations”[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#381    Deletion of dependencies could fail in a multi-org environment[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#241    “status” is a free-text field when configuring a Trigger[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#358    Multi-column queries sometimes returning an empty set[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#383    OQL: negative integers not allowed (workaround: 0 – 1)[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#399    Copy/paste from iTop’s CaseLog looses tabs[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#343    CKEditor (HTML Editor) not compatible with direct object creation on ExtKeys[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#350    Object edition form: validation does not tell which field has a problem[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#317    Edition of a Document – opens the second tab[/color][/size]
[size=3][color=black]#730    Leaving temporary files when performing a backup of the data during installation[/color][/size]