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Job Description
Job Description
Core Responsibilities and Tasks
Understand emerging and evolving end useruse cases and requirements in Big Data and Analytics, documenting those usagecases and business, technical and user requirements and designing a solutionsarchitecture to meet those requirements.
Define and Document the Big Dataarchitectures and solution requirements, specifying the implementation HW andSW solution stack.
Build Logical and Physical Data Models tomeet the data ETL requirements of Integrated Data Platform.
As the SME to present solutions and engagenew opportunities.
Prepare proposal, SOW, etc.,independently.
Required Technical and ProfessionalExpertise
Bachelor’s Degree
Working experience in Consulting Firms
Excellent communication skills (English& Mandarin)
Strong Insurance industry background
Substantial expertise in the solutionsrequired by various (mainly Insurance) Industries
More than 10 years working experience
Have experience or knowledge about logical/ physical data modeling.
Familiar with various Database, e.g.,Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, ExaData, Netezza
Experience in Insurance project consultingand delivering, especially data related projects, e.g., EDW, ODS, Data Mart,MDM, DMP, data mining, big data.
Preferred Technical and ProfessionalExperience
Master’s Degree
Eligibility Requirements
Have experience or knowledge about logical/ physical data modeling.
Familiar with various Database, e.g.,Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, ExaData, Netezza
data modeling, big data. data ETL

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