

标签: 上海技术经理
20.技术运营经理(引入战略合作伙伴建立IBM云平台;10+软件开发和技术支持经验;云计算-devops-Bluemix/solflayer技术架构)TechnicalOperations Manager  上海  
Job Description
IBM has entered into astrategic partnership with a partner company to set up the IBM Cloud Platformin China. The primary responsibility of this role is to lead on behalf of IBMall operational aspects of our interactions with the partner company to ensureIBM has anticipated and addressed our obligations in the contract and our needsbeyond the contract in ensuring site reliability of the cloud. This role mustbe highly involved leading up to the initial go live, and take on primary responsibilitypost go live. The role must design, implement and lead on an ongoing basis thenecessary (1)  7x24  triage model for technical and operationalsupport and (2) management systems across IBM to ensure that the partnercompany remains current from both a knowledge and technology point of viewregarding their adoption of our cloud priorities.
Examples of tasks andworkstreams associated with this include
Provide insight to thepartner company to build the cloud operation model in alignment with IBM Cloud(Gen2) operation model and ensure the partner company is aware of (withdocumentation) modifications and/or decisions they make which have thepotential to impact the reliability or viability of their cloud
Act as a liaison betweenIBM and partner company during the set up of various elements of the cloud(OSS, BSS etc), including support of integration testing.
Act as a point ofescalation for critical issues and incident management.
Implement a managementsystem between partner company and IBM which includes but is not limited to
Assist partner company toimplement operational metrics and communications model between them and IBM
interlock with partnercompany Ops leadership on open requests and technical requirements.
effective support by IBMof partner company's incident management processes, including RCA communicationas appropriate
effectively capture openrequests submitted by partner company to IBM Service Tribes.
technical exchange orspecial skills transfer sessions to partner ompany for new features orfunctions that cannot be covered in normal documentation updates.
Implement an effectivemanagement system within IBM which includes but is not limited to
Consolidate monthly cloudcompany's Cloud availability updates, which includes age and severity of openquestions from partner company Incident and RCA status, and L3 open ticket anddefect totals to share and drive needed action with IBM Cloud leadership team
Ensuring the contractmanagement and China offering management team is enabled to champion feature,technical or process requests from partner cloud company to IBM Service Tribesby providing input to them on any requirements which this role may receive frompartner company (this is a support not lead function of the role)
The overall goal of thisrole over time is to drive increasing self sufficiency of the partner companyto operate their cloud as IBM offerings mature and as partner company cloudprocesses and skills mature, leading to a decreasing dependency on the need fora triage team.
Minimum 10 years insoftware development and technical support roles.
Deep understanding ofcloud computing, including Dev/Ops, technical architecture of IBM Bluemixand/or SoftLayer.
Deep understanding oftechnical operational aspects of cloud computing (OSS), including Bluemixtooling and processes.
Track record leading teamsand managing complex technical projects.
Strong communicationskills.
Demonstrable technicalacumen to engage technical line of client/partner organization.
Required Technical andProfessional Expertise
1. Provide insight topartner company to build the cloud operation model in alignment with IBM Cloudoperation model and ensure the partner company is aware of (with documentation)modifications and/or decisions they make.
2. Act as a liaisonbetween IBM and partner company during set up of various elements of the cloudincluding support of integration testing.
3. Act as a point ofescalation for critical issues and incident management.
4. Implement a managementsystem between partner company and IBM
5. Implement an effectivemanagement system within IBM
简历发至需xukeju@cn,ibm.com 微信Cookie 搜13312996300 欢迎举荐朋友!

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