本帖最后由 slbenben 于 2017-2-4 08:57 编辑
Strategy Consultant - Organizational Change (战略顾问-组织变革管理)_Job ID: 67664BR_band 7-8_Any city
熟悉组织变革管理解决方案并拥有实操或项目经验;Rich demonstrable experience in one or more of the following areas of organization development
包括但不限于公司治理、集团管控/组织发展、业务/职能单元组织设计、组织绩效、业务协同、管理提升等;Minimum five (5) years of applied experience in Organization Development, Learning and Development, Performance Consulting or related field required.
良好的内部及面向客户的沟通能力;Good internal and client communication skill.
熟练使用中英文;Good English communication language skill
请发job id和简历到 xukeju@cn.ibm.com, (搜索13312996300,微信昵称Cookie)
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