

标签: 咨询顾问上海
本帖最后由 slbenben 于 2017-2-4 10:09 编辑

简历投递: 2105852390@qq.com 请标明是 ITILXFgogoat推荐
工作地点: 上海
职位: 咨询   
公司: 某全球四大咨询公司
Advisory- Risk - Cyber Security - Senior
Client responsibilities
·     Participatein Information Security and Data Privacy engagements
·     Workeffectively as a team member, sharingresponsibility, providing support, maintaining communication and updatingsenior team members on progress
·     Helpprepare reports and schedules that will be delivered to clients and otherparties
·     Developand maintain productiveworking relationships with client personnel
·     Buildstrong internal relationships within Ernst & Young Advisory Services andwith other service lines across the organization
People responsibilities
·     Conductperformance reviews andcontribute to performance feedback for staff
·     Contributeto people-related initiatives including team building, identification oftraining needs, career development planning, etc
·       Understand and follow workplace policies andprocedures

Technical skills requirements
·          Enterpriserisk services with a specific focus on IT, and related industry standards
·          CommonIT governance and control industry frameworks, including CObIT, RiskIT, ValIT,IT industry frameworks such as ITIL and CMM
·          ITassurance and compliance
·          Abroad appreciation of business processes, data structures, IT applications andinfrastructure, IT processes, and governance and internal control principles
·          InfrastructureInformation systems security assessment, design, architecture, implementation,management and reporting
n        Strongtechnical or security skills related to a broad range of operating systems,databases or security tools, e.g., UNIX, Linux, Windows 2000 and NT, firewallsand IDS systems
·  Experiencewith programming languages such as Java, C, C++, C#, asp, and .NET
l Familiarity with security and risk standardssuch as ISO 2701-2, PCI DSS, NIST, ITIL, COBIT
l Experience of security testing methods andtechniques including network, operating and application system configurationreview and internal/external penetration testing
l Experience of manual attack and penetrationtesting above and beyond the running of automated tools
l Experience in developing custom scripts orprograms (used for port scanning and vulnerability identification)
·           Applications
n An understanding of web based applicationvulnerabilities and experience in application security review and testing
n An understanding of mobile applicationvulnerabilities and experience in mobile application security review andtesting
n Familiarity with security standards referencesuch as OWASP, SANS, NIST
n Understanding of secure development practiceand framework
u      Bachelor'sDegree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related disciplines.
u      Aminimum of 3 years relevant experience in Information Technology with at least2 years demonstrable experience in penetration testing to systeminfrastructure, web or mobile application systems is a must.
u       Sound knowledge and experience in usingdifferent hacking tools to perform foot printing, enumeration and exploitationof system infrastructure, web and mobile applications.

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