本帖最后由 slbenben 于 2017-2-4 10:25 编辑
Managing Consultant北上广深成都 Job Description
This role lead/participateIBM Analytics software VIP customer support and services delivery as technicalleader/specialist and part time project manager. Products required to besupported for this position include Informix, DB2 or other IBM Analytics relatedproducts.
Job role requires buildingrelationship with the customer and understanding their business and technicaloperations. Provide IBM Analytics related products services like planning,deployment, configuration, development guide, and troubleshooting. Detailed responsibilities include:
- Design and deliverInformix or DB2 related technical solutions/services - Support customer’sanalytics software deployment and operation. - Lead a team of IBM orpartner resources to deliver solutions or improve customer’s database operationefficiency. - Multiple simultaneouscustomer engagements - Partnering with the salesteam on select opportunities cooking and engagements - To be customer’s trustedtechnical advisor - Assist the customer inresolving critical technical issues.
Work location could be BeiJing, ShangHai, GuangZhou, ShenZhen or ChengDu.
Required Technical andProfessional Expertise
Technical SkillRequirements. - In depth technicalknowledge of IBM Analytics products, e.g. Informix, DB2, PureScale, etc, moreis better. Informix or DB2 skill is pre-requisite. - Combined experience in aDBA role. - Hands on technical workincluding monitoring the database for throughput/performance issues,performance tuning, maintenance and configuration etc. Assistance formigration, problem avoidance, upgrade and similar activities associated withsupported systems. - Excellent interpersonaland communication skill (written and verbal). - Willing to do customerfacing job. Ability to multi-task - Analytical skills,problem analysis, diagnosis and determination
Education Background andExperience - Bachelor's degree orabove , major in Computing Science or related. - At least 2 yearsexperience on IBM Informix products or 5 years experience on IBM Databaseproducts - English: Fluent
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