本帖最后由 slbenben 于 2017-2-4 11:17 编辑
JobDescription· Responsible for performing a typical consulting jobengagement with major Economic Zone Area/zone land developing companies · Work as project manager independently including developingdetailed work plans, outline, blanks, manage status, client management etc · Strong skills in interviews through cold call and coachingteam members to arrange interviews through cold call · Identify, assess and resolve issues/problems · Interact with client frequently around specific workefforts/deliverables · Coach junior team members and provide advice onprocedures/work methods to individuals who may be at the same level · Assist our practice in business development work, such asproposal preparation and part of the team for bidding of global / regionalopportunities
· 5 years or above related experience in a global reputablestrategy consulting firm · Bachelor degree or above from named schools, with no specificcolleague major limit, MBA, major in urban planning or economics is a plus. · Comfortable working under pressure and efficient work style · Good knowledge in any of the following areas: strategy,market entry, investment analysis, skills with organization design orperformance measurement is a plus. · Be familiar with any of these industries is a plus: realestate, smarter city, Cloud, IOT, Mobile and big data, etc. · Understand strategy, market entry or organization consultingmethodology · Strong delivery skill with high commitment to quality clientservice · Good sense of business, good consultation and communicationskills, good documentation and presentation skills, self-initiation, good teamplayer · Mature, proactive and committed
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