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1        受众群体和范围        
本出版物针对在越来越数字化的组织中工作的IT和服务管理从业人员。它将帮助那些熟悉传统IT和服务管理概念的人自信地讨论“ 数字化”,发展实际能力,并将新的概念,技术和技术集成到他们的工作方式中。

●        提供产品和服务
●        不断提高您的工作水平
●        信任并被信任
●        处理不确定性
●        通过好奇心来提高。

●        进行正确的数字化投资
●        实现价值并快速提供弹性数字化产品和服务
●        确保服务消费者从这些产品和服务中实现价值
●        确保活动符合治理,风险和合规性的要求。

2        背景和背景



幸运的是,许多事情正在发生变化。人们在面向生产或服务的小型团队中有效地工作。自动化通常用于支持IT 流程。不变服务器和基础设施即代码的相互联系的概念被广泛采用。整体系统化思维更普遍。科学思维正在被采用。不可预测性和歧义性在必要时日益被接受。从交付价值的心态转变为共同创造价值的心态。经常需要为数字化功能的快速研发购买和集成外部服务,以作为内部敏捷方法的替代或补充。


●        与数字化技术相关的符合道德的注意事项
●        设计思维
●        在复杂环境中工作
●        ITIL 4持续改进模型
●        精益文化
●        安全文化
●        精益,敏捷,有弹性和连续的技术。

Digital technology is increasingly important. Its economic, societal, and political impacts are unprecedented. At the same time, it is increasingly challenging fordigital practitioners to design, develop, run, and supportthe systems and services that fulfilthis demand. ITIL® 4: High-velocity IT focuses on digital productsand services, including digital customerexperiences, covering good organizational practices and mental models,all from a practitioner’s perspective.

1.1       Audienceandscope      

This publication is aimed atIT and service management practitioners who work in organizations that are becoming moredigitally enabled. It will help those whoare familiar with traditional IT and service managementconcepts to discuss ‘digital’confidently, develop practical competencies, and integrate new concepts, techniques, and technologies into their ways of working.

You should use this publication as a tool to improve howyou and your co-workers:

●   provide products and services
●   continually raiseyour standards of work
●   trustand are trusted
●   accept ambiguity and uncertainty
●   commit to continuallearning.

This publication’s scope includesthe primary activities in thedigital value chain, including what thepractitioner does and the resources they use acrossthe lifecycle of digitalproducts to:

●   make theright digital investments
●   realize and deliver resilient digital productsand services quickly
●   ensure that the service consumerrealizes value from thoseproducts and services
●   assure the conformance of activities withgovernance, risk, and compliance requirements.

1.2         Backgroundand context      

Technological progress,combined with innovatively applied digital technology, has resulted in systemsthat are complex and unpredictable. Systems now comprise a multitudeof components produced by parties whoact with varying degreesof dependability, leadingto intrinsic fallibility and flaws. Continual changes to a systemand its environment mean that these flaws also continually change. Most are too small to causesignificant issues, either becau f redundancy and other formsof resilience in the system, or because of human intervention.

In the past,most people believed that change disrupts stability, and stability controls change;fewer changes meant lessrisk to stability. In the pastdecade, a different way of thinkinghas been adopted. By reducing the size of change, the risk of disruption is reduced. Smaller, morefrequent changes improve theorganization’s capability to change,thereby loweringthe risk of disruption. Recently, theprevailing approach has been to embrace and enable changes.

All of this has changed the environment from ‘causal’ (if-then-else), predictable models to dispositional (if-then- maybe) ones. Because system behaviourcannot alwaysor easily be predicted, ways of thinking and working shift: from prediction and controlto insight and understanding; from large,occasional changes to small,frequent ones; fromdetailed planningin advance to continually experimenting and learning; and from fail safe to safe-to- fail. These arenot trivial shifts.

In additionto this increase in complexity-based ways of thinking and working, breaking down silos,or at least silo-thinking, is a currentconcern. Homogeneous groupsare less resilient and effective than diver nes. In an organizationalcontext, this means that specialists, teams, departments, and organizationsshould embrace opportunities to workwith a widerange of people.

Fortunately, many things are changing.People are workingeffectively in small,product- or service-oriented teams. Automation is used more often to support IT processes. The interrelated conceptsof immutable servers and infrastructure as code are widely adopted.Holistic systems thinking is more prevalent. Scientific thinkingis being adopted. Unpredictability and ambiguity are increasingly accepted as necessary. There is a shift froma mentality of delivering value to one of co-creating value. External services are oftenacquired and integrated for fast development of digital capabilities, as either an alternative or an addition to the internal Agileapproach.

These changes are manifestations of new ways of thinking and workingthat are becoming mainstream. ITIL® 4: High-velocity IT builds on these developments, and contributes to them. Among the topics discussed in this publication are:

●   the ethical considerations relevant to digitaltechnology
●   design thinking
●   working in complex environments
●   theITIL continual improvement model
●   Leanculture
●   safety culture
●   Lean,Agile, resilient, and continuous techniques.

ITIL4_High Velocity 高速IT中文版HVIT【初译版】.pdf

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