Serendipity 发表于 2011-5-3 10:22:38

回复 jennyzhu 的帖子

所以你们的流程定义错了,具体如何定义,请看longerwood 的帖子。

jennyzhu 发表于 2011-5-3 10:33:31

回复 longerwood 的帖子


thuizhiguo 发表于 2011-5-3 15:19:15


ranger_yang 发表于 2011-5-3 18:08:34

本帖最后由 ranger_yang 于 2011-5-3 18:09 编辑

Release and Deployment Management aims to build, test and deliver the
capability to provide the services specified by Service Design and that will
accomplish the stakeholders’ requirements and deliver the intended objectives.
The goal of Release and Deployment Management is to deploy releases into
production and establish effective use of the service in order to deliver value to
the customer and be able to handover to service operations

The objective of the Change Management process is to ensure that changes are
recorded and then evaluated, authorized, prioritized, planned, tested,
implemented, documented and reviewed in a controlled manner.
The goals of Change Management are to:
· Respond to the customer’s changing business requirements while
maximizing value and reducing incidents, disruption and re-work
· Respond to the business and IT requests for change that will align the
services with the business needs.

ranger_yang 发表于 2011-5-3 18:30:19

第三,基于前述两点,自然而然,两者关注的活动和阶段也有不同,拿大家熟悉的软件版本的发布整个过程来举例,发布管理,更为侧重新发布的版本或者功能或者系统,是否满足和符合用户需求,测试过程是否完备,其部署计划是否正确,是否能够有效地交接到运营/运维部门手中。具体体现在(build,test,deploy,UAT等等活动中)。而变更管理则更侧重于软件发布版本(针对此例)的MTP活动,即这些变更是否合理合法合规,风险可控,是否为各干系方接受。并对MTP的过程进行跟踪,对结果进行校验和监控。release的活动很多结果是作为变更管理的输入(比如UAT,testing的结果,和operation的transition的计划以及结果,等等)。同时变更的结果作为release的一个大闭环。来最终确定Release是否成功。那么在具体的MTP触发的变更请求(RFC)中,可能要求提供relase notes,test result,uat result这类文档作为变更决策的依据。
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查看完整版本: 你问我答:ITIL 中变更与发布的区别