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水平:[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=level&dataflt%5B0%5D=level_%3DAdvanced]高级[/url]

域:[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=domains&dataflt%5B0%5D=domains_%3DPHP]PHP[/url],  [ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=domains&dataflt%5B0%5D=domains_%3DPresentation]Presentation[/url]


从iTop 2.0.0开始,该框架支持在iTop中存在的所有弹出菜单中添加新菜单项:在列表中(“ Other操作活动…”和“工具包”菜单中),列表中的“ Other操作活动…”中。操作活动的详细信息,“注销”菜单中的等等。


要在iTop页面左侧的主菜单中插入新条目,请参阅XML引用 关于菜单。


  • 在iTop中的任何对象列表上,此扩展都添加一个新菜单项(在“其他操作活动…”弹出菜单中),该菜单项仅调用自定义javascript职能并使用列表中的元素数执行“告警(…)”
  • 在iTop中任何对象的“详细信息”页面上,扩展程序都会添加一个额外的菜单项“ Google this…”,以打开Goog​​le搜索页面(在新的选项卡窗口中),并在搜索文本中填充选定的itop对象的名称。
  • 在联系人(即团队或人员)的“详细信息”页面上,添加了两个额外的菜单项:
    • 分隔线(仅适用于iTop 2.0.1-beta或更高版本)
    • 调用自定义JS职能…的菜单项,只是弹出带有对象名称的告警(…)





[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?do=export_code&id=2_7_0%3Acustomization%3Aadd-menu-sample&codeblock=0]module-sample-add-menu.php[/url]

// iTop module definition file

        __FILE__, // Path to the current file,
                  // all other file names are relative to the directory containing

this file
                // Identification
                'label' => 'Add Menu Sample',
                'category' => 'business',

                // Setup
                'dependencies' => (

                'mandatory' => false,
                'visible' => true,

                // Components
                'datamodel' => (
                'webservice' => (

                'data.struct' => (
                        // add your 'structure' definition XML files here,
                'data.sample' => (
                        // add your sample data XML files here,

                // Documentation
                'doc.manual_setup' => '', // hyperlink to manual setup

documentation, if any
                'doc.more_information' => '', // hyperlink to more information, if


                // Default settings
                'settings' => (
                        // Module specific settings go here, if any


[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?do=export_code&id=2_7_0%3Acustomization%3Aadd-menu-sample&codeblock=1]main.sample-add-menu.php[/url]

* Sample extension to show how adding menu items in iTop
* This extension does nothing really useful but shows how to use the three

* types of menu items:
* - An URL to any web page
* - A Javascript function call
* - A separator (horizontal line in the menu)
class AddMenuSampleExtension implements iPopupMenuExtension
  * Get the list of items to be added to a menu.
  * This method is called by the framework for each menu.
  * The items will be inserted in the menu in the order of the returned array.
  * @param int $iMenuId The identifier of the type of menu, as listed by the

constants MENU_xxx
  * @param mixed $param Depends on $iMenuId, see the constants defined above
  * @return object[] An array of ApplicationPopupMenuItem or an empty array if no

action is to be added to the menu
  public static function EnumItems($iMenuId, $param)
    $aResult = ();
    switch($iMenuId) // type of menu in which to add menu items
      * Insert an item into the Actions menu of a list
      * $param is a DBObjectSet containing the list of objects  
     case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_OBJLIST_ACTIONS:
        // Add a new menu item that triggers a custom JS function defined in our

own javascript file: js/sample.js
        $sModuleDir = ((__FILE__));
        $sJSFileUrl = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot

        $iCount = $param->(); // number of objects in the set
        $aResult[] = new JSPopupMenuItem('_Custom_JS_', 'Custom JS Function On

List...', "MyCustomJSListFunction($iCount)", ($sJSFileUrl));
      * Insert an item into the Toolkit menu of a list
      * $param is a DBObjectSet containing the list of objects
     case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_OBJLIST_TOOLKIT:
      * Insert an item into the Actions menu on an object's details page
      * $param is a DBObject instance: the object currently displayed
     case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_OBJDETAILS_ACTIONS:
        // For any object, add a menu "Google this..." that opens google search in

another window
        // with the name of the object as the text to search
        $aResult[] = new URLPopupMenuItem('_Google_this_', 'Google this...',

"h ?q=".$param->GetName(), '_blank');
        // Only for Contact: (i.e. Teams and Persons)
        if ($param instanceof Contact)
           // add a separator
           $aResult[] = new SeparatorPopupMenuItem();
           // Add a new menu item that triggers a custom JS function defined in our

own javascript file: js/sample.js
           $sModuleDir = ((__FILE__));
           $sJSFileUrl = utils::GetAbsoluteUrlModulesRoot

           $aResult[] = new JSPopupMenuItem('_Custom_JS_', 'Custom JS Function...',

"MyCustomJSFunction('".($param->GetName())."')", ($sJSFileUrl));
      * Insert an item into the Dashboard menu
      * The dashboad menu is shown on the top right corner of the page when
      * a dashboard is being displayed.
      * $param is a Dashboard instance: the dashboard currently displayed
     case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_DASHBOARD_ACTIONS:
      * Insert an item into the User menu (upper right corner of the page)
      * $param is null
     case iPopupMenuExtension::MENU_USER_ACTIONS:
    return $aResult;

上面的代码中引用的两个自定义 Javascript 函数在文件 js/示例中实现.js:


// Sample JS function to be called from a custom menu item
function MyCustomJSFunction(sName)
        // nothing fancy here, just popup an alert
// Sample JS function to be called from a custom menu item
// on a list of objects
function MyCustomJSListFunction(iCount)
        alert('There are '+iCount+' element(s) in this list.');



[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/media?media=2_7_0%3Acustomization%3Asample-add-menu.zip]sample-add-menu.zip[/url]


  • 将zip文件的内容扩展到iTop根目录下的扩展文件夹中(如果需要,请创建扩展文件夹)
  • 确保Web服务器具有足够的权利来读取扩展文件夹中的所有文件
  • 删除配置文件上的只读标志(位于conf/production/config-itop.php中)
  • 将浏览器指向http ::: <itop-root >>安装程序,再次启动iTop安装程序。
  • 在安装向导的最后一步中,从扩展的列表中选择“添加菜单示例”。

上一篇:二次开发- 修改界面-创建新类型仪表板
下一篇:二次开发- 修改界面-显示额外信息

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