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The business analysis practice identifies and articulates an organization’s and customers’ needs. This practice then identifies and justifies the solution needed to fulfil that need. This practice includes assessing the requirements for people, technology, products, and services. However, the activities performed by this practice can vary between organizations. It can include tasks from the tactical and strategic analysis of the service consumer’s business processes, to a relatively narrow focus on information system analysis and the definition of the technical requirements.

The business analysis practice ensures that limited investment funds are wisely spent, by identifying the optimal solutions to address the customers’ and organizations’ needs. The application of business analysis techniques results in well-articulated requirements for the services.

The business analysis practice is evolving to accommodate the challenging demands of digital organizations, for instance by adopting agile ways of working. Organizations that are more digitally-enabled require: greater attention to understand strategic imperatives, customer and user experience, opportunities for the use of data and technology, reimagining business processes, and embracing digital business architecture.

The emergence of agile ways of working in small, autonomous, and interdisciplinary product teams has prompted organizations to evaluate the effectiveness of organizing work in specialized functions. The business analysis practice has traditionally been organized as a specialized function, coexisting with adjacent functions such as enterprise architecture management, software development and management, and so on. In the agile context, the business analysis practice is associated less with a specific team or role, but is increasingly applied by multi-skilled practitioners performing roles such as product or service owner. When this practice is performed by the product team, it is less project-driven and more of a continual activity.

As organizations evolve through digital transformation, digital solutions are progressively integrated into business value streams. Consequently, business analysis evolves from an interpreter between technology and business-focused teams, to an integrated business practice.


The business analysis role might be defined differently in each organization. For example, an organization wide business analysis practice would be focused on the analysis of all levels and aspects of the organization, to optimize the organization operations including its products and services. This model is more likely to be seen in organizations undergoing a digital transformation or looking for opportunities to improve their resources, portfolios, and operating models.
Organization wide business analysis addresses the needs and requirements of a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.

In other organizations, the business analysis practice is limited to products and services. The practice is focused on the continual analysis of the customers’ and users’ needs and requirements. This model is usually found in external service providers that are engaged in a basic or cooperative relationship with their service consumers.

Business analysis can either be treated as a distinct stage of a solution lifecycle or continually performed during the lifecycle. The approach that is chosen will depend on the solution design and development approach adopted by the organization. The latter approach is common for digital agile organizations; the former is a legacy approach that does not provide enough agility in a digital environment.

This practice should understand the stakeholders’ needs, articulate and agree to their requirements, and identify an optimal solution to address these needs and fulfil the requirements. Typically, the needs and requirements can relate to an expected solution’s utility, warranty, or experience.

The definitions above refer to products and services; however, this classification of needs, requirements, and features can be used for other solutions, including organizational structures, partnerships, operating models, practices, and so on. A system of adapted definitions might be needed, depending on the scope of business analysis.

Business analysis may employ various analysis techniques relevant to the agreed scope and positioning of the practice. These might include generic models such as SWOT, or product-specific techniques, such as user stories.

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Practice_Business analysis ITIL 4业务分析实践【初译】.pdf

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