二次开发- 修改界面-显示额外信息
本帖最后由 adminlily 于 2020-12-16 10:08 编辑丰富显示对象先决条件:您必须熟悉教程中使用的语法 并且已经创建了一个扩展.
水平:[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=level&dataflt%5B0%5D=level_%3DIntermediate]中间
域:[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=domains&dataflt%5B0%5D=domains_%3DPHP]PHP,[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?id=domains&dataflt%5B0%5D=domains_%3DPresentation]Presentation
我们将只在显示团队成员的选项卡中添加一个mailto html链接,其中包含要使用的发送邮件地址的列表。当显示特定的对象时,处理显示关系选项卡的职能是DisplayBareRelations()
[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?do=export_code&id=2_7_0%3Acustomization%3Adisplay-bare-relation&codeblock=0]class:Team
function DisplayBareRelations(WebPage $oPage, $bEditMode = false){// We call the parent class otherwise all relations tab will be missingparent::DisplayBareRelations($oPage, $bEditMode);// If your new behavior should be limited to the read mode (or not)if (!$bEditMode){ // We assume the Team class as a 'persons_list' attribute $oToNotify = $this->Get('persons_list'); $aMailList = (); while ($oContact = $oToNotify->Fetch()) { $aMailList[] = $oContact->Get('email'); } $sMailList = (', ', $aMailList); if ($sMailList != '') { // The oPage object contains multiple tabs // We want to put our link on a particular tab known by its label $sTabName = $oPage->FindTab('/^' . Dict::S
('Class:Team/Attribute:persons_list') . '/'); // Set that Tab as the current one // If no Tab with that name exists, it creates a new one after the current
tab $oPage->SetCurrentTab($sTabName); // Add an hyperlink at the end of that tab $sLink = "<br> <a href=\"mailto:?to={$sMailList}\">Open mailer</a>"; // As when writing on an oPage, it writes on the current tab $oPage->Add($sLink); }}};');}}
[*]APIiApplicationUIExtension 使用OnDisplayRelations()方法,
已知错误没有直接链接到iTop默认数据模型中的UserRequest,但是它们链接到FunctionalCI,而FunctionalCI链接到工单,因此,按照这两种关系,我们可以在UserRequest上提出可能适用于该工单的已知错误. .
[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?do=export_code&id=2_7_0%3Acustomization%3Adisplay-bare-relation&codeblock=1]class:UserRequest
function DisplayBareRelations(WebPage $oPage, $bEditMode = false){ // Mandatory, to get the other tabs displayed as well parent::DisplayBareRelations($oPage, $bEditMode); // If the UserRequest is in Read mode // and the KnownError option has been selected at iTop setup if ((!$bEditMode) && (MetaModel::IsValidClass('KnownError'))) { //Search for known errors related to FunctionalCI // ...linked to current UserRequest $iTicketID = $this->GetKey(); // We create a Search (definition) with an OQL // Note {$iTicketID} in the OQL will be replaced by the true value $oSearch = new DBObjectSearch::FromOQL(" SELECT KnownError AS ke JOIN lnkErrorToFunctionalCI AS l1 ON l1.error_id=ke.id JOIN FunctionalCI AS ci ON l1.functionalci_id=ci.id JOIN lnkFunctionalCIToTicket AS l2 ON l2.functionalci_id=ci.id WHERE l2.ticket_id={$iTicketID}"); // We get a set of Known Error objects, using the above Search $oKnownErrorSet = new CMDBObjectSet($oSearch); // Now that we have the Set we can count them $iNumberKE = $oKnownErrorSet->(); // Here we have decided to always create a new Known Error tab // but you could decide to display the tab only if there are some Known
Errors if ($iNumberKE > 0) {// here we use the standard iTop way to display tab with data inside $oPage->SetCurrentTab(Dict::S('Class:UserRequest:KnownErrorList') . "
({$iNumberKE})"); } else { // or without data inside with no brackets and no count $oPage->SetCurrentTab(Dict::S('Class:UserRequest:KnownErrorList')); } // We create a Block made of the Known Error in a 'list' mode // The Block just need a DBObjectSearch and not the Set itself // GetFilter() retrieve that Search from the Set $oBlock = new DisplayBlock($oKnownErrorSet->GetFilter(), 'list', false); // 'menu' says if the list will offer a menu // 'display_limit' says if we display in page mode or all objects at once $aExtraParam = ('menu' => true, 'display_limit' => false); // Display the block in the page with a Title (optional), and extra params $oBlock->Display($oPage, Dict::S('Class:UserRequest:KnownErrorList'),
$aExtraParam); }}您可以使用相同的方法来显示简单关系的过滤视图。例如,在“团队”类上,显示分配给该团队的“公开工单”。如果使用2.7.X及更低版本中的AttributeLinkedSetIndirect进行此操作,则无法过滤该列表,并且会减慢性能的速度。
答:您是否一直在呼叫parent::DisplayBareRelations($oPage, $bEditMode);用你的方法?
答:您必须定义一个字典条目 用于Class:UserRequest:KnownErrorList
[ ttps://www.itophub.io/wiki/page?do=export_code&id=2_7_0%3Acustomization%3Adisplay-bare-relation&codeblock=2]class:Organization
function DisplayBareRelations(WebPage $oPage, $bEditMode = false){parent::DisplayBareRelations($oPage, $bEditMode);if ((!$bEditMode){ $oPage->SetCurrentTab("Authorized users ($iCount)"); $oPage->table($aDisplayConfig, $aDisplayData); $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL("SELECT Organization WHERE (id=:org_id OR
managed_by_id=:org_id)"); $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oSearch, ('name' => true), ('org_id' => $this->GetKey
())); $sOrgs =''; while ($aRow = $oSet->FetchAssoc()) { $oPerson = $aRow['Organization']; // If not the first one, add the | separator if ($sOrgs!='') $sOrgs = $sOrgs ."|"; $sOrgs = $sOrgs . "allowed_org_id:" . $oPerson->GetKey(); } $oPage->Add("<p><input id='MyOrgs'value='{$sOrgs}'/>"); $oPage->add_linked_script
("//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/clipboard.js/1.4.0/clipboard.min.js"); $oPage->Add('<button class="button" id="copy-button" data-clipboard-
target="#MyOrgs">Copy</button><p>'); $oPage->add_ready_script('new Clipboard("#copy-button");');}}